Role Reversal
Although my novels are only autobiographical in certain situations, many of my readers say they sound as if I were writing from my own life. I love to narrate from the first-person perspective, immersing myself in the mindscapes of my characters.
Since 2013, I've been living in Kelowna, in western Canada, like most of my family. Back in Germany, the professional pressure was so high that I never got around to finishing my novel ideas. It wasn’t until I moved to this vast country that I found the time and space to unpack all the stories brewing inside me.
Every person is, first and foremost, a free individual.
This is my deepest belief. Yet, I still struggle to live by it. When I write stories, it’s always a way to process frustration and a desire for change. I hope to inspire my readers to challenge role expectations. The system we live in does everything to suppress individuality and original ideas.
What do we hide, and what part of our nature do we work so hard to forget, just to fit into a narrative that others understand?